The 5 best recipes with bergamot

Known since the time of Louis XIV for its antiseptic and disinfectant properties, bergamot is a great citrus fruit to use in the kitchen for the preparation of tasty dishes to which you want to give a boost or to enrich desserts, extracts and centrifuged. We have already seen in our blog the countless benefits […]

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Bergamot: benefits, properties and uses of gold DOP of Reggio Calabria

Intoxicating scent, sour, bitter and pungent taste, surprising health properties: this is the bergamot, the citrus fruit of Calabria, which is found in the southernmost part of the Jonica Reggina coast, a combination of natural factors so congenial that about 90% of the world production of Bergamot comes from this territory. Known since 1700, when […]

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The rediscovery of ancient grains: history, variety and properties

In the context of discussion on the enhancement of food and raw materials linked to the traditions and identity of territories, in recent years there has been much talk of the so-called “ancient grains”.  Their rediscovery and use in the production of bread, pasta and biscuits has thus become a very topical and controversial topic, […]

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